A message for Remembrance Sunday

From the Executive Committee of the General Assembly of Unitarian & Free
Christian Churches, following their meeting on Friday 10th November 2023

As Unitarians and Free Christians, we observe with horror the unfolding events in
Israel and Gaza since the terrorist outrages of 7th October.

We want to express our deepest sympathy and solidarity with the victims of these
attacks, which no justification can ever excuse, including those still held hostage by
Hamas in Gaza, and with the Israeli people. We pray for all victims, all bereaved
families and all hostages still in captivity. We note with great alarm the rise of
antisemitism in Britain and elsewhere and pray for peace in our communities and
amongst peoples and nations, expressing our solidarity with Jews in the UK and
around the world.

While we acknowledge the first responsibility of any nation to defend its citizens, we
also deeply regret the huge loss of life amongst the innocent people of Gaza and
urge the international community to support measures to protect civilians and to
prevent the escalation of conflict in the region. We want to express too our deepest
sympathy to these Palestinian victims of war. We also note with deep concern the
rise of Islamophobia in our own society at this time and express our solidarity with
the Muslim community here in the UK and elsewhere.

Our deepest hope and prayer is that the hostages will be released, all acts of terror
will cease, and all military conflict and violence between Israelis and Palestinians will
end. No conflict, however deeply entrenched and seemingly intractable, is inevitable
or unstoppable. We continue to pray and work for a world of peace – and in the
meantime to do all that we can to support the civilians, particularly children, the
elderly and the vulnerable, who are the victims of terror, conflict and war.

Here is a prayer from Vince McCully, President of the General Assembly of Unitarian
and Free Christian Churches, who will be representing us at the Remembrance
Sunday ceremony at the Cenotaph:

We pray for the people of Gaza and Israel. The very thought that such atrocities can
be justified and meted out to another person, let alone that the victims are innocent
civilians, is beyond comprehension. Thousands of people have already been killed,
many more maimed and injured.

Dear God, in the name of all that is holy and good, please restore peace to all sides
without delay. To kill is not even a last resort, it is simply a sign of humankind’s utter
failure to understand anything about God’s will.

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